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いつの頃からか、私たちは、ここを「 森 」と呼んでいる。


1. 美術展事務局が世代交代しました ≒ 先人方には教えを請います。
2. 展覧会の名称が代わりました ≒ この森での美術展は、名称を変えながら20年以上続いてきました。新しい名称は「Laboratory of forest art」としました。
3. コンセプトを一新し、明確にしました ≒ 今までの様に森の素材を使った制作というルールはなくし、森と共にある事の出来る作品であれば、手法や素材は問いません、ニューウェーブ大歓迎です

どうぞ、お誘い合わせの上、「Laboratory of forest art」にいらして下さい。


For a long time, we've called this place "Forest"
There are countless forests all over the world; And in Japan as well, in Yokohama, one of those is our "FOREST" It is a forest for enjoying art; a forest for eating, drinking and socializing.
It is also a forest where we can meet foreign people and experience culture, a place where we can feel the charm of insects, trees and flowers.
In this forest, we can ponder nature's greatness and fragility. For some people, this forest is a daily walking course. This forest, who everyone has a different image of, has been called "FOREST" for over 20 years.

In honor of this "FOREST" history, it will be changed from 2018.

1 - The secretariat's members have been changed; However, the previous staff has been asked to teach the new one.
2 - The exhibition's name was changed (It has been continuously changing in the past 20 years) The new name is "Laboratory of forest art".
Seeing this forest as a laboratory, we adopted an attitude for doing art or experimentations.
Furthermore, because we aspire to have an international art exihibitions and actively exchange with other countries, we translated the exhibition name to English.
3 - The concept was renewed and clarified; Until now, there has been a rule of using only material from the forest for art creation.
With the new rule, no method or material from the forest are required. These alternative artists are a big welcome.

Some things don't change, however; like the fact that calling this place "FOREST" is the most important thing for us; or that we want to be a group who work together in protecting and nurturing it. 
We adopted this view and will open a new exhibition this summer. We will have fun trying and experimenting so that this "FOREST" can be felt as a paradise for all artists, art lovers, their family and friends.
Please join us in this "Laboratory of forest art"

From Secretariat of art exhibition

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